This report aims to provide background research into Restorative Practices, as the first element within a project whose ultimate goal is to create a course that will train relevant professional in the theory and the use of restorative practices. It will be conducted entirely online in Restorative Practice for a Level 5 Undergraduate Certificate, through MCAST, by the Malta Qualification Framework (MQF) and recognized throughout Europe via the Bologna Proces.

The report has aimed to establish working definitions of Restorative Practice and Restorative Justice, as well as other related terms such as Alternative Dispute Resolution and Mediation.

It has sought to include a complete summary of the history and use of restorative practice, in Malta, Ireland, Bulgaria, Germany and Spain. Whilst focusing on these respective countries, the report has also aimed to include information on practices established throughout Europe and beyond. In so doing, it has outlined institutions already making use of restorative practices whilst identifying gaps in which more information and training would needed, and further contexts in which restorative practices would be beneficial. This is followed by recommendations as strategy for further development of RP in wider society.

The primary aim of this report is to identify the difficulties professionals in the partner countries have in attempting to implement and use restorative practice, and to ascertain tools and knowledge essential for practitioners using restorative practices.

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