Increasing capacity of training organization through development of Standards for Mediators Training is a new project of Partners Bulgaria aiming at improving the work of the mediator training organizations. Despite the existence of a regulatory framework, practice shows that there are no national Standards for Mediator Training and a national body that supports and controls the development of mediators’ profession. The Mediation Development Toolkit issued by the Council of Europe in June 2018 provides guidance that encourages the professional community in Bulgaria to develop national Standards for Mediator Training and a Methodological Guide to Mediation / the Mediator’s Manual/.
As a result of the project, effective measures will be put in place to increase the capacity of mediators and organizations that train mediators. The activties include research of the state of mediation in Bulgaria by studying trainees and trained mediators, citizens involved in mediation and judges referring to mediation. The results of the study will be the basis for formulating recommendations for improving the practice of mediation. Standards for Mediator Training and Mediator’s Manual will be developed. Three consultative meetings with practitioners and mediators will provide feedback and expert advice on the documents produced.
The results of the study, the policy recommendations, the Standards for Mediator Training and the Mediator’s Manual to conduct the mediation procedure will e communicated to the public through a public forum in the end of the project. As a result of these activities it is expected that a national mechanism for professional support, monitoring and control of the mediators ‘work will be established. This project is implemented with the financial support of Good Governance Program, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund /BG05SFOP001-3.003/.