Conflict Management in Middle School Toolkit presents interactive lessons designed for middle school students. The content includes an introduction to the concept of conflict, differentiation of conflict resolution styles, and studying the conflict management process. There are lessons focused on developing emotional intelligence, effective communication and social skills. Children learn to distinguish thoughts from feelings, identify emotions and express them in an acceptable way, understand the feelings of others and their nonverbal behaviour. A set of lessons is designed to introduce students to conflict management methodology. Special attention is given to mediation and mediator’s skills. The interactive learning guides students how to mediate disputes in a safe way and help other students solve their conflicts. A lesson introduces students to dealing with various problem situations.

The Conflict Resolution School Trilogy of Partners Bulgaria Foundation offers a consistent approach to introducing children from primary, secondary and upper school age into the art of positive communication and the effective resolution of disputes and conflicts that often appear among them. The Toolkits are designed for teachers, pedagogical counselors and psychologists, as well as for all who work with children and young people. Developed in engaging interactive lessons, designed for class and extracurricular activities, the program is a valuable resource for schools, children’s and youth centers. The trilogy is published with the support of the International Women’s Club – Sofia.