Partners Bulgaria Foundation /PBF/ promotes a culture of peaceful conflict resolution and solution focused approaches that reflect multiple interests and diverse perspectives. Our programs include alternative dispute resolution methodologies such as mediation and dialogue, multi-stakeholders’ consensus building and collaborative planning and decision making.

Analysis of Risks and Conflicts
Partners Bulgaria evaluates and analyses the situation in organizations and communities by focusing on their capacities and resources available to manage change, differences and conflicts. Methods of analysis and evaluation include interviews and focus groups with key stakeholders, outlining good practices and opportunities for positive change.

Throughout the years, our team was involved in analysis of conflict potential in various organizations and diverse ethnic communities. In partnership with major international organizations, the team also conducted conflict assessments abroad, e.g. in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Yemen and Lebanon. Examples of such analyses can be found here /conflict analysis in Lebanon/ and here /conflict analysis in Yemen/.

Violence Prevention
The organization works to prevent violence in all its forms and manifestations, for example, community struggles, school aggression and bullying, domestic violence and gender-based violence.
In 2016, the organization published the National Study of Domestic and Gender-Based Violence, along with Policy Recommendations how to prevent domestic violence and protect victims. A Model for Support of Victims of Domestic Violence and Gender-Based Violence was developed and disseminated.

In 2017, the organization became a co-founder of the European Network for Non-Violence and Dialogue (ENND network), which runs a series of seminars in various European capitals on topics related to the prevention of value based ​​conflicts. In co-authorship with colleagues from European countries, the publication “Value Based Conflicts in the Region between the Oder and the Danube” was prepared.

Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Since its inception in the 1990s, the PBF has been working to introduce alternative dispute resolution methods as an opportunity for citizens to gain a better access to justice beyond the judicial system. Among the projects, implemented in this area, are:

  • Business Mediation (1998-2000);
  • Establishment of Conciliation Commissions and Mediation Centres in Communities with Diverse Ethnic Population (2000-2007);
  • Introducing Alternative Dispute Resolution Course in Bulgarian Universities /2000-2002/;
  • Introducing a System for Alternative Dispute Resolution in Prisons / 2002-2004 /;
  • Establishment of a Family Mediation Centre in Sofia / 2004-2008 /;
  • Management of School and Family Conflicts through Mediation and Dialogue (2008-2021);
  • Increasing capacity of training organizations through development of Standards for Mediators Training /2019-2010/.

PBF experts have worked to create conflict resolution centres through mediation and reconciliation in communities in Lebanon and Yemen / 2010-2016 /. A conflict analysis was conducted among young people from universities in Jordan, where, in addition, PBF carried out mediation training for various professionals.

These projects have been supported by  donors such as the United States Agency for International Development, the Open Society Institute, the European Commission, and many other private and public donors.

Our mediators have been trained and certified by the National Conflict Resolution Center in San Diego, California in 2004. As an organization registered to train professional mediators, we have dozens of trained mediators registered in the Register of the Ministry of Justice. We co-authored the 2004 Mediation Act and the related regulatory documents. As co-founder of the National Association of Mediators, Partners Bulgaria is actively participating in various initiatives to improve mediation policies and to regulate the mediator’s profession.