Partners Bulgaria conducted training for specialists and young people on the topic Young People Countering Dsinformation and Misinformation.

The seminar was conducted on 16,17 and 18 February 2024, within the project Engaging Youth in Countering Disinformation and Misinformation. The project is implemented in the municipalities of Montana, Varshets, Blagoevgrad and Gotse Delchev and aims to increase society’s resistance to misinformation. The project also works to increase public understanding of NATO’s critical role in ensuring regional and global security. Activities target both adult and younger audiences and support securities’ security priorities, along with countering and building resilience against disinformation and fake news.

Jacqueline Thomas from the USA Embassy, Sofia and Pavla Tsvetkova, Youth Ambassador to NATO Program have been special guests who contributed with speeches to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Bulgaria in NATO and NATO 75th Anniversary.

Partners Bulgaria Foundation and PartnersGlobal trainers,  Bulgarian and international experts in the field of media monitoring and analysis, human security and cognitive security have been invited to talk and engage the audience in interactive learning. During the three-day seminar, students and teachers got acquainted with the developed materials and modules in the field of media literacy, covering theoretical knowledge and practical skills to recognize and deal with disinformation and misinformation.

The training helped students and youth to gain  knowledge and better understanding in the field of human security and successful countering of disinformation. The training consisted of group discussions, demonstrations, exercises and independent work. 40 participants took part in the training – young people between the ages of 15 and 18 and teachers from four cities in Bulgaria – Montana, Varshets, Blagoevgrad and Gotse Delchev. Students and teachers had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the created pedagogical materials and participate in the modules and exercises in an experiential way. After the training, there will be cascade local trainings in the four cities, as well as youth initiatives aiming at combating misinformation.

The seminar program can be downloaded here. Program – ENG